Thanksgiving Turkeys
Now taking turkey orders for Thanksgiving

Fresh Whole Turkeys

Rosebud Farm Fresh Turkeys
10-30 lbs range
Fresh Turkey Breasts

Under 7 lbs
Over 7 lbs
This year we are offering Rosebud Farms Fresh Whole Turkeys. It is important to order your turkey EARLY to receive the size you want. We will do our best to come as close to the size you requested. Once a certain weight has been claimed we will stop taking orders for that size turkey because we've been told that certain sizes will sell out and will not be available.
Turkey FAQs
1. How do I order a turkey?
You can order a turkey by coming into the butcher shop or calling us on the phone. We will take your contact information and order and then assign you a number. It is important to remember this number because when you come to pick up your order the butcher will ask for it so that he/she can find the order quickly. If you forget your order number, we can look it up based on your contact information that was provided at the time the order was placed, but please be aware that this will be a much longer process.
2. What size turkey do I need to buy?
When deciding what size turkey to buy, figure 1 to 1-1/2 pounds per person, depending on whether you are big eaters and how much you want leftover. It is generally recommended to figure on 1-1/2 pounds per person so that there are enough leftovers. Here is a link to a cool turkey calculator.
3. How long do I roast my turkey?
The following are recommendations. When cooking a turkey, always use a meat thermometer to ensure doneness.
Roasting a Fresh Turkey:
A fresh turkey will usually cook faster than one that has been frozen. Check the doneness often! Cook at 325°F, until thigh temperature is 180°F and Breast/Stuffing is 165°F.
Estimated times:
8-12 pound turkey: Unstuffed 2-3/4 - 3 hours, Stuffed 3 - 3-1/2 hours
12-14 pound turkey: Unstuffed 3 - 3-3/4 hours, Stuffed 3-1/2 - 4 hours
14-18 pound turkey: Unstuffed 3-3/4 - 4-1/4 hours, Stuffed 4 - 4-1/2 hours
18-20 pound turkey: Unstuffed 4-1/4 - 4-1/2 hours, Stuffed 4-1/4 - 4-3/4 hours
20-24 pound turkey: Unstuffed 4-1/2 - 5 hours, Stuffed 4-3/4 - 5-1/4 hours
Roasting a Turkey Breast:
Cook at 325°F. Cook until the temperature is 170°F.
Approximate times:
4-6 pounds: 1-1/2 - 2-1/4 hours
6-8 pounds: 2-1/4 - 3-1/4 hours
4. Do I need to rest the turkey before I carve it?
Yes, you should rest the turkey before carving. Grab one side of the roasting rack with an oven mitt and tilt the whole pan so the liquids inside the turkey cavity run out into the pan. (These juices are used to make the gravy.) Then, lift the whole turkey (still on the rack) and transfer it to a cutting board. Tent the turkey with aluminum foil and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This gives time for the meat to firm up and the juices to be re-absorbed into the muscle tissue, making the turkey easier to slice and taste juicier